For a long time it was believed that bunions were genetic and nothing could be done about them. But evidence increasingly shows that bunions might actually be fact caused by ill-fitting shoes and lifestyle. If identified and treated early, bunions can often be completely reversed.
The anatomically shaped toe box in barefoot shoes allows the toes to lay straight (instead of being squeezed together), preventing further deformity and giving the foot the opportunity to realign. In addition to barefoot shoes, toe spacers and foot exercises can also help to improve the condition. Many people find that their symptoms go away as their foot health improves, but it does not always completely reverse the bunion and you may need to consult a medical professional.
For a deeper look at how to relieve bunion symptoms, read this article on
How To Help Your Bunions If You Don’t Want Surgery.
2 thoughts on “Will Barefoot Shoes Fix My Bunions?”
This website literally saved my life!!! Been trying on the most ridiculous shoes for months, all claiming to accommodate wide feet and magically heal aches and pains and they’re just all completely unfoot shaped! After all this time wasting and distress at not even being able to walk my dog anymore without excruciating pain, I ordered a pair of Altra barefoot walking boots after your recommendation and the change is miraculous. Thank you so much for taking the time to provide correct and useful information. I don’t know what I would have done if I hadn’t come across your website. I have wide feet and bunions and didn’t realise what damage my footwear was doing me, even causing severe knee, back, hip, neck pain. Not to mention the headaches!!! Thank you the help you provide is life changing ❤️🙂🎉
Thank you for this thoughtful message, it means so much to me to hear. I am so happy you’ve finally found something you can be comfortable in.