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A collage of barefoot slippers with a wide toe box for ultimate foot comfort

Slippers Your Feet Will Love

With holidays and cold weather around the corner (and nowhere to go) I am ready to cozy up with warm toesies. Here is a list of barefoot approved minimalist slippers & socks that are completely flat, spacious, and still super warm.

Can I Make My Own Barefoot Shoes?

A Can I Make My Own Barefoot Shoes? If you’re interested in DIY, there are quite a few resources available to help you! Earthing Moccasins

A graphic of a kid wearing barefoot shoes and the text "Anya's Reviews The best back to school shoes for kids" thumbnail version

The Best Back-to-School Shoes for Kids This Year

With summer coming to a close and back-to-school shopping in full swing, here are my top recommendations for kids and teens of all ages. These are the best back-to-school shoes for kids in 2023!

Are There Barefoot Shoes For Dancing?

A Are There Barefoot Shoes For Dancing? I get asked a lot if there are leather soled barefoot shoes for dancing and the answer is

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Picture of Hi. I'm Anya.

Hi. I'm Anya.

I first discovered barefoot shoes after a long history of foot issues. By changing my footwear and strengthening my body I was able to completely transform my life. Anya’s Reviews is my way of sharing with the world that healthy feet are happy feet!

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