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3 Photo Collage of 2 girls and a boy wearing dress clothes and barefoot dress shoes - Little Love Bug company, Vivobarefoot, and Lisbeth Joe

20 Barefoot Dress Shoes for Kids to Wear to Fancy Occasions

Barefoot dress shoes for kids allow the little ones in your life to stay comfortable even at fancy occasions. Here you will find dressy flats, boots, and lace-up shoes for both little and big kids that respect the anatomy of the foot.

4 photo collage of different types of Floor Texture and the overlaid text reads "How to Strengten Your Feet with Floor Texture"

How to Strengthen Your Feet With Floor Texture

We spend a lot of time on surfaces that are smooth, hard, and sterile, leaving us with weak and underused feet. Here is a list of floor texture devices you can use to get your feet working while inside the house to counteract that!

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Picture of Hi. I'm Anya.

Hi. I'm Anya.

I first discovered barefoot shoes after a long history of foot issues. By changing my footwear and strengthening my body I was able to completely transform my life. Anya’s Reviews is my way of sharing with the world that healthy feet are happy feet!

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