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A collage of stylish women's barefoot dress shoes from the brand Shapen with the text "Shapen Barefoot, Anya's Reviews" written on it

Shapen Review – The Best Barefoot Dress Shoes for Women

Shapen Barefoot is making the best dressy sandals, flats, and boots for women. They are zero drop, flexible, wide in the toes, and yet classy. If you’ve struggled to find elegant minimalist shoes for work or other fancy occasions, Shapen is the answer.

An image of a woman holding up the barefoot winter Dingo boot from Zeazoo Kids in one hand and the Uggs classic in the other hand with the text "Wear This! Not That" written above

Why Uggs Aren’t Good For Your Feet and What to Wear Instead

Move over Uggs! If you like the cozy warmth of Ugg boots but not the thick, stiff sole that doesn’t bend when you walk, you need this barefoot alternative. The Dingo boots from Zeazoo Kids is everything you want in a cozy boot and nothing you don’t.

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Picture of Hi. I'm Anya.

Hi. I'm Anya.

I first discovered barefoot shoes after a long history of foot issues. By changing my footwear and strengthening my body I was able to completely transform my life. Anya’s Reviews is my way of sharing with the world that healthy feet are happy feet!

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